What Dosage is right for me?
To take the confusion out of knowing how much CBD is right for your body and ailment, here is a formula you may like to use.
Simply input your weight (imperial/metric) and your desired strength. The desired strengths (Mild, Moderate and Strong Strength) are represented by 3 numbers in each the imperial and the metric formulae. Please see the instructions in the table below:
Imperial Formula
Metric Formula
Mild Strength
Use 0.1mg
Use 0.2mg
Moderate Strength
Use 0.3mg
Use 0.7mg
Strong Strength
Use 0.6mg
Use 1.3mg
If you prefer to use imperial measures (pounds):[YOUR WEIGHT IN POUNDS] x [DESIRED STRENGTH (0.1(mild), 0.3(moderate), or 0.6 mg(strong))]=Your daily dose in milligrams of CBD
If you prefer metric measures (kilograms):[YOUR WEIGHT IN KG] x [DESIRED STRENGTH (0.2(mild), 0.7(moderate), 1.3 mg(strong))]=Your daily dose in milligrams of CBD
Example of Formula Use:
If I was a 110lb woman looking for a mild strength of CBD I would use the following formula:
110lb x 0.1 = 11mg of CBD per day
If I was a 75kg man looking for a moderate strength of CBD I would use the following formula:
75kg x 0.7= 52.5mg of CBD per day
Please note that this formula should only be used as a guide and not a prescription dosage. Before using any CBD product you should first consult your GP or healthcare practitioner about your correct dosage.
Source: Daily CBD